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Reflections of Learning

A logo for Reflection on Learning, featuring an open book with a lightbulb shining above it.

Reflection on Learning:

This page should include a monthly reflection on your learning, your program, and your time at the career center.  The expectation is that you will write at least one entry per month on your learning that is taking place.  Below are three examples, although your reflection on learning can include any of the following... (this list is not exhaustive) 

  • What you have been working on in your program

  • What you have learned in the last month 

  • How will you use what you have learned in your future career

  • How has what you have learned help solidify your future goals in a career (either favorable or not)

  • What did you like or dislike about your learning


Reflection Examples

A logo for Marketing Reflection featuring a gray arrow pointing upwards with a blue circle and two green circles.

Marketing Reflection

This is another example of a reflection on monthly classroom learning. 


Logo for Clinical Reflection, featuring a stylized green and blue cross.

Reflection on Learning - Clinical Rotation

This is another example of a reflection of learning after a clinical rotation in the North Country Hospital.