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About NCCC Home

A graphic depicting the North Country Career Center's mission, highlighting five key areas: industry tools, challenging coursework, work-based learning, safety, and community involvement.

Preparing Students for Career, College, and Community

The North Country Career Center is one of sixteen regional technical centers in Vermont that provides education and technical training to high school and adult students. Students from NCUHS, LRUHS, as well as home school and private school students can apply for admission in one of our 14 career and technical education (CTE) programs. We also offer a full array of Adult Technical Education courses. 


A group of young people dressed in various career costumes pose for a photo in front of a school building.

Our Programs

Our programs cover a broad range of industries and offer dual enrollment college classes, articulation to post high school opportunities, Industry Recognized Credentials (IRC), and work-based learning experiences to qualified students. Most programs meet for two hours per school day and are two years long, with the exception of Transportation Science Technology and Natural Resources, which are one year program and meet for four hours per day.


North Country Career Center Work Based Learning- Adults and students involved in WBL

All NCCC Students

  • All Students will have a portfolio to present to colleges and/or employers, as well as college credits and industry recognized credentials that are associated with their program. 

  • All students will be invited to participate in work-based learning opportunities associated with their program. 

  • All students will be given the opportunity to participate in student leadership organizations associated with their program. They include SkillsUSA, FFA, and FBLA. We also offer membership in our Student Voice Group, where students partner with staff and administrations to work on school-wide improvement. 


NCCC Auto Work Based Learning- students working on car.


The best applicants for NCCC will be on track to graduate from their sending schools on time, meaning they will have not failed any classes that are required for graduation. If they have failed a class, there should be a solid plan for credit recovery. Applicants should also have a strong history of good attendance and safe behavior.