Natural Resources
College Credit
VTSU AGR 1061 - Burls to Boards
3 credits
Articulation agreement with Paul Smiths
Industry Recognized Credentials
ACT National Career Readiness Certificate
Game of Logging Chainsaw Safety (Levels 1- 4)
National Safe Tractor and Machine Operator- NSTMOP
Solo Wilderness First Aid
VT GIS/GPS Badge (Level 1)
Class Overview
This program will introduce students to various disciplines and skills involved in natural resource management careers. The focus is broad, however specific proficiencies in several skills will be included: tractor operation, equipment maintenance, gathering and analyzing inventory data, management planning, map use, maple syrup production, sawmilling, timber harvesting and chainsaw use, wildlife management, and arboricultural techniques. Students will learn and practice the ecological principles that help them understand the methods and importance of being a good steward. The goals of this program are:
Foster an understanding of the complexity inherent in natural systems
Appreciate the interrelatedness between and within the geological, hydrological, and biological components of local forest, aquatic, and agricultural ecosystems
Build an awareness of the connection between good management practices and the resulting social, environmental, and economic benefits
Introduce students to a variety of careers in natural resources
Provide students with the vocabulary, conceptual understanding, technical knowledge, and physical skills necessary to pursue natural resource careers
Engage students in hands-on project-based learning activities to develop safe and effective working practices
Enhance students’ transferable employment practices and values
Engage students with their local community by providing opportunities for field trips and community service projects
Program Advisory Committee
Allen Yale: Forest Landowner
Parker Castle: NEK Guides/fromer NCCC student
Rebecca Hunt: Community Member
Colleen Goodridge: Sawmill Owner
Jared Nunery: County Forester
Trevor Evans: Forest Landowner
Ian Irwin: Logger, GOL instructor/forest landowner