Personal Care Closet

North Country Career Center's students have played an important part in the NCCC Personal Care Closet.  From seeking out and sorting donations to writing thank you notes to our generous community, they are seeing firsthand how they can play a part in making a difference.  

The Closet

Through the support of our amazing community, the personal care closet stays stocked throughout the whole year. Students came come up to Mrs. Andrea Carbine's room if they are in need of a product. If you need more information about products offered please reach out to Mrs. Carbine at 

Personal Care Needs Form


In the fall of 2019 the North Country Career Center created a personal care closet to help ease the burdens many students face around basic needs. Students can access the closet as needed during the school day or by making a request for products using an online form. Links can be found on the NCUHS, LRUHS, and NCCC websites.

Now more than ever, The North Country Career Centers' personal care closet is seeking your help.  We are reaching out to you, as members of our caring community, to see if you will join our effort to support these students in need.  We are looking for both monetary and personal hygiene product donations and are currently accepting the following…deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrushes, hair ties, Q-tips, soap, lotion, chapstick, washcloths, body wash, face wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash, maxi pads, tampons, reusable water bottles, and contact solution.

If you are interested in contributing, a scheduled donation can be arranged.  For questions, contact Andrea Carbine at 802-334-5469 ext. 3306 or Heidi Santaw at ext. 3402 or reach out via  e-mail at or

In the last two years our personal care closet has served well over 100 students with many of them making regular visits. Please know that community donations are making an enormous difference in the health and well-being of our local students.